Updated Actor Module Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Updated Actor Module Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Countries available in EUDAMED Which national competent authorities will be registered in EUDAMED Actor module The national competent authorities from EU 27, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey are registered in EUDAMED as well as the UK competent authorities in respect of Northern Ireland. Concerning other third countries national competent authorities, the Commission may in principle be able to register them in the actor module from […]

Actor Module Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Actor Module Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Countries available in EUDAMED from December 2020 Which national competent authorities will be registered in EUDAMED Actor module from December 2020? As of December 2020, the national competent authorities from EU 27, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will be registered in EUDAMED. Concerning other third countries national competent authorities, the Commission may in principle be able to register them in the actor module from a later […]

Actor Registration Request Process

Actor Registration Request Process

Every economic operator – EU and non-EU manufacturers, authorised representatives, system/procedure pack producers and importers) has to register as an actor in EUDAMED and provide the required information.

Actor Roles & Single Registration Number (SRN)

Actor Roles & Single Registration Number (SRN)

The Actor registration module enables economic operators to submit, by means of an actor registration request, the information necessary to obtain a single registration number (SRN). The SRN guarantees a EU-wide unique identification for economic operators (also outside of EUDAMED). Following the assessment and approval of the request by the concerned national competent authority, EUDAMED generates the SRN of the economic operator to the national […]

EUDAMED Actor Registration Module Is Online Now

EUDAMED Actor Registration Module Is Online Now

On 1st December 2020 the European Commission has made available the Actor Registration Module to Member States and economic operators. It is the first of six EUDAMED modules. Links are given below: EUDAMED restricted EUDAMED public The European Commission, in agreement with the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG), is going to make available the different modules on a gradual basis as soon as they are […]